b2b eCommerce Platform innovators in b2b ecommerce

Meet The Team

Tim Hughes

Managing Director

Based in Antrim and having been with the company since he founded it over 30 years ago, Tim craves for as little hassle as possible with everyone else doing the work.

He is most happy surrounded by happy customers, really really good coffee and weekends.

He works hard to ensure no-one forgets to put the coffee in the cupboard and that any staff who have garlic at lunchtime are made to sit in the warehouse.

    Kevin Glass

    Business Development Manager              

    Kevin started with us 15 years ago! He doesn't look old enough, does he? He works tirelessly to give the impression that he works tirelessly, yet amazingly delivers deals and diligence for his customers regularly.

    He's also got some mad skills behind the BBQ! ...apparently, it's all in the prep. ...I'll have mine medium-rare please, Kevin!    

    • Likes: Good customer references, smashing targets and gaining new customers.
    • Dislikes:  An untidy office and getting beat at Table Tennis.
      • Dreams of: Happy staff + Happy customers = Happy Tim   

    Vanessa Myers

    National Business Manager

    When Vanessa is not off on (yet another) holiday, or travelling the country to meet with clients, she can be found behind the messiest desk in the office (...much to Kevin's dismay!). 

    Amid the perceived "organised" chaos of her desk, she does enjoy an office day with her fellow "Ramblegardians", fighting with Chris about the air con status and defending her position that it is in fact legit to call a meat-free sausage a "sausage" (others would disagree!). 

    • Likes: Plying the workers with biscuits and yummy homemade delights, talking about going to the gym and Scooby-Doo.
    • Dislikes:  Shopping for biscuits, actually going to the gym and Scrappy-Doo.
    • Dreams of:  Early retirement (seriously?) in an Italian villa. La Vita ė Bella with vino.

    Alan Wilson

    Key Account Manager              

    With over a decade of customer-facing experience, Alan is a lover of sales and a passionate believer in delivering great products and service. 

    Alan is always happy to be out in front of new and existing clients and driving positive change.

    • Likes:  His dear wife & two sons, fast car’s & F1
    • Dislikes:  All things Lemon - Yuck!
    • Dreams of:  Competing in motorsports.

      Chris McAllister

      Operations Manager

      When Chris isn’t bossing his role in production, he’s propping up the dispatch team (or injecting himself with caffeine so that he can stay awake).

      Ever the practical joker, Chrissy has been known to lie in wait for the perfect moment to scare the living daylights out of his Healthcare colleagues.

      Aspiring fitness coach and ex-boxer, this laid-back lad could happily do life in the slow lane, but he’ll only wear his glasses in the car when he’s alone and never in public (…slightly vain are we?).

      • Likes:  Being a new girl dad, Man Utd (super-fan alert!), tea-breaks and getting home to dog, Max.
      • Dislikes:  Talking about himself.
      • Dreams of:  Getting enough sleep so that he can dream.

      Garry Shields

      Product Support Technician                         

        Nigel McMullan

        Ramblegard Manufacturing

        Nigel is our Ramblegard ninja. He spends his days assembling Ramblegard products from the man cave that is the workshop, surrounded by wires and other odds and sods (including Eamon …he likes to hide in there too!)   

        Powered by coffee (although a mocha would be preferable), Nigel works diligently to get every order out the door. 'Stay calm and carry on' is his mantra.  

        • Likes:  BBQ noodles, steak pie, weekends and travelling.  
        • Dislikes:  Cold icy mornings, rain, and an untidy workbench or floor. 
        • Dreams of:  Owning a high-performance sports car. 

        Daniel Timperley

        Product Support Technician                         

        A big footy fan, Daniel loves Manchester City, so much so, that he tells us his life revolves around his team, and the game. He also loves to travel and experience new cultures, traditions, people and food (...we're betting his travels coincide with Manchester City away games!!!). This has got to be a whole new level of fandom!

        • Likes:  Going to every Man City game, whether at home, away or abroad.   
        • Dislikes:  People who talk too much (because there needs to be space for him to talk!), any football team that isn't Manchester City, oh ...and cucumbers!
        • Dreams of:  Retiring early and spending one half of the year in Manchester and the other in Spain. 

          Laura Gwynne

          PA/Sales Support                         

          Laura is the middle child in the Ramblegard team, playing the role of chief peacemaker and mediator in the office. She's easy-going (...which is probably in the job description for being a mum of twin teen boys!) and the glue that holds us together. 

          Always up for a night out, Laura is a big Clubland fan and hates to see the night come to an end. 

          • Likes:  Spa days, spending time with family and friends, and porridge for breakfast (every morning!).
          • Dislikes:  Slow drivers.
          • Dreams of:  Lying on the beach with a cocktail in hand.